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Transforming industrial waste gases (CO/CO2) to chemicals

The Bioeconomy Cluster Builder (BCB) is collaborating with Innovate UK KTN's Circular Economy Innovation Network to bring you this event on transforming waste gases into chemicals. 

Carbon dioxide is the major contributor to greenhouse gases responsible for the ongoing climate challenge, with industries producing emissions directly from the manufacturing processes, fuel combustion as well as indirectly from electricity usage. However, there are innovative solutions to reduce the amount of CO2 emitted to the environment and use this feedstock to produce higher value, low carbon footprint chemicals which reduces our reliance on fossil based feedstocks.

The Circular Economy Innovation Network has brought together a community from across the value chain to create a Circular Innovation Action Plan for the Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) of industrial waste gases to chemicals. In this webinar we will share the Action Plan that has been created to help accelerate innovation in this important area and showcase some of the latest innovations and projects using industrial waste gases. 

The webinar will run from 10am -12:15pm with a further online networking opportunity via the Meeting Mojo platform between 1:00pm – 4:30pm.



  • 10:00 Welcome and Intro: Dana Heldt, Michael Burnett, Innovate UK KTN

  • 10:10 CE|IN overview: Elle Runton, Knowledge Transfer Manager - Circular Economy, Innovate UK KTN

  • 10:20 CCU challenge & action plan: Michael Burnett, Knowledge Transfer Manager - Chemistry & Industrial Biotechnology, Innovate UK KTN

  • 10:40 Case study - Title TBC: Roxann Cortis, Molecula Biology Senior Scientist, Ingenza

  • 10:55 Flue2Chem: Sean Rouse, Technology Specialist (Chemistry), Croda

  • 11:10 Case study - Title TBC: David Ortega, Founder Phase Biolab

  • 11:20 Funding update: Catherine Mort, Knowledge Transfer Manager - Industrial Biotechnology, Innovate UK KTN

  • 11:35 Q&A / PanelAll

  • 12:00 BCB wrap-up and next steps: Kim Cameron, Bioeconomy Cluster Business Engagement Manager, IBioIC

  • 12:10 CCU Next Steps and Webinar Close: Michael Burnett, Knowledge Transfer Manager - Chemistry & Industrial Biotechnology, Innovate UK KTN


Who this event is for

  • Anyone innovating in waste gases to Chemicals

  • SMEs, large industry and businesses, processors and commercial users 

  • Investors

  • Policy makers 

  • Researchers 


Why attend

  • To learn more about using CO2 as feedstock

  • To make connections with other stakeholders

  • To identify collaboration opportunities 


If you’d like more information about this event, or the Bioeconomy Cluster Builder, please contact, or or about the Circular Economy Innovation Network