Biotechnology Applications in Water and Wastewater Management

Thursday, 23 May 2024

The Bioeconomy Cluster Builder collaborated with Scottish Water Horizons on this webinar focussing on water and wastewater treatment technology.

Biotechnology is increasingly seen as offering an array of solutions to water and wastewater management challenges. Scottish Water Horizons is a recognised leader in the development of associated technologies from proof of concept to commercialisation.

In this session, Scottish Water Horizons highlighted the extensive capabilities, equipment and expertise available at their Development Centres in Gorthleck and Bo’ness. They also provided detailed information about an exciting voucher scheme they’re currently running which offers SMEs working in this space a 50% contribution to testing and development costs at one of these sites.

The event also included presentations from organisations that have run successful projects at Scottish Water Horizons’ facilities in the past, including the University of Highlands and Islands and Pennosan.

End of Life Textiles – Understanding the role for biotechnology in developing a circular textiles industry

Thursday 22 February 2024

In 2022, the global textile industry was valued at over $1.5 trillion, but this economic benefit comes with astonishing environmental cost. While we regularly see innovations addressing textile production, like the use of sustainable biomaterials or environmentally friendly dyeing processes, the statistics for end of life of textiles are less impressive. According to the world produces 92 million tonnes of textile waste every year with 87% of the materials and fibres used to make textiles are bound for incineration or sent to landfill. Only 20% of discarded textiles are recovered, with around 1% of these being recycled into new garments.

To drive the transition to a circular economy the whole supply chain must be re-imagined, with end of life in mind from the outset. Innovations in textile design and manufacturing, garment production, smart recycling and separation technologies, and resource recovery and utilisation all have a part to play.

In this webinar, delivered by Innovate UK Business Connect and the Bioeconomy Cluster Builder, we will explore how we can apply biotechnology solutions alongside other ground-breaking technologies to develop a circular textiles industry.

Approaches to IP Audit for Early Stage Biotech Companies

Tuesday, 30 January 2024

Science-based start-ups and spinouts are often aware that intellectual property (IP) is critical to the success of their business. However, founders have several competing demands and are seldom experts in the world of IP.

Drawing on the expertise of the partner organisations, this session explored opportunities to combine early-stage funding, government support and specialist advice to help you take your first steps towards an IP audit.

The output from an IP audit can turn often nebulous IP ideas into a tangible written report that you can add to your dataroom, giving investors comfort that you understand your IP situation and are taking appropriate advice.  It also gives you a clear set of next steps – what to do and when – and a realistic budget to work with.

Net Zero Food Production – understanding the role of biotechnology

Tuesday, 23 January 2024

This webinar, hosted by the Bioeconomy Cluster Builder and Scotland Food and Drink Partnership, explored the role of biotechnology in supporting net zero production.

Biotechnology uses the metabolic processes of plants, fungi, algae and micro-organisms to create valuable products. Traditional examples include baking, brewing and cheese production. However, recent developments have seen innovative applications of IB across the food value chain.

These applications have resulted in improved agricultural yields, alternative proteins such as mycoprotein and cultured meat, sustainable ingredients like flavourings and colourants, and the creation of high value products from waste and co-products. In this way, IB has helped increase efficiency and environmental performance, making significant contributions to the decarbonisation of food production and processing.

The Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC) is running a dedicated feasibility funding call to complement this event.

Grants of up to £10k are available to support industry led collaborations with Scottish academics.

Contact for more information.


Creating value from forestry co-products - understanding the opportunities for Scotland

Thursday 16 November 2023

It is widely recognised that significant opportunities exist to apply biotechnology to create value from co-products arising from the Scottish forestry industry. The National Plan for Industrial Biotechnology, the Biorefining Potential for Scotland, and the Forest and Timber Technologies Industry Leadership Group Roots for Further Growth strategy all identify forestry residues as critical resources and emphasise a need to focus on their valorisation.

This webinar was a collaboration with Scottish Forestry to explore opportunities to create value from Scotland's residual forestry bioresources. The webinar looked at activity overseas and research and cutting edge technology being developed in the UK which could support efforts to valorise this resource.

Net Zero Chemical Manufacturing - Unlocking the power of biotechnology to transform the UK chemicals industry

Thursday, 14 September 2023

The Bioeconomy Cluster Builder and Chemical Industries Association hosted this webinar to facilitate knowledge exchange and connection building between the chemical manufacturing and industrial biotechnology (IB) communities.

Bio-based chemicals have the potential to significantly reduce the environmental impact of chemical manufacturing. By decreasing our dependence on fossil fuels, the conversion of biomass to chemicals, including utilisation of problematic by-products and waste, helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, supporting our journey to Net Zero. The adoption of bio-based alternatives also offers sustainable, resilient, supply chains which recognise increasing consumer demand for superior environmental performance.

To drive this transition, it is recognised that significant research and innovation are required across the chemicals industry. The widespread adoption of industrial biotechnology offers numerous pathways to support this shift, with collaboration and knowledge sharing critical to unlocking transformational opportunities.

The Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC) is running a dedicated feasibility funding call to complement this event until 17.00BST on Monday 16 October 2023.

Grants of up to £10k are available to support industry led collaborations with Scottish academics.

Contact for full details.

Introducing C-SUM, IBioIC’s carbon accounting tool for biotech processes

27 July 2023

Introducing C-SUM - a carbon accounting tool for biotechnology processes being developed by the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre. In this webinar, Dr Ian Archer, Technical Director at IBioIC, explored the development, functionality and benefits of this cutting-edge tool. Further insights were provided by software developers, Firefinch and key stakeholders involved in the development and testing of the tool.

Large scale adoption of bio-based manufacturing offers numerous promising opportunities to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with key industrial production methods. However, to encourage their uptake it is vital to be able to demonstrate the superior environmental performance offered by biotechnology processes. Central to this is the ability to predict the overall emissions generated by specific biotechnology production processes across various sectors. In response to this challenge, the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC) and partners are developing C-SUM – a bespoke carbon accounting tool for chemical and biotechnology based research, development and manufacturing.

Transforming industrial waste gases (CO/CO2) to chemicals

2 March 2023

The Bioeconomy Cluster Builder (BCB) collaborated with Innovate UK KTN's Circular Economy Innovation Network to present this event on transforming waste gases into chemicals. 

This event explored innovative solutions to reduce the amount of CO2 emitted to the environment and to use waste CO2 to produce higher value, low carbon footprint chemicals which reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

The webinar also shared the Circular Economy Innovation Network Action Plan for the Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) of industrial waste gases to chemicals.

Industrial Applications of Biomass: The Biorefinery Concept – creating high value product streams from biomass

15 December 2022

Part of our Industrial Applications of Biomass series, this online event focused on the biorefinery concept as a means to create maximum impact and value from biomass. It demonstrated how biorefineries are essential for the future of UK biomass utilisation - key to the shift away from a fossil-based economy and the drive to net zero. 

This webinar explored the opportunities biorefineries present along with some consideration of the current barriers to their development within the UK.

The session also included dissemination of a recent biomass to chemicals report based on data collected in previous webinars in this series, as well as a review of the current UK biomass policy landscape. 

Innovations in Metal Biorecovery

8 September 2022

Innovations in metal biorecovery offer promising opportunities to tackle this widespread challenge. They include an array of technologies which harness the power of micro-organisms and plants to recover valuable resources and detoxify environmental contaminants including those in soil, water and industrial effluents. These organisms use natural processes to adsorb, accumulate and extract valuable metals, offering sustainable, low cost alternatives to traditional approaches.

Seaweed Innovation in the UK

19 May 2022

Seaweed production in the UK is a growing industry with the potential to address some of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges. It presents the means to transform food, pharmaceutical, chemical and cosmetics production. Seaweed can also be a highly effective means to sequester carbon, address ocean acidification and treat waste water.

This event focused on key factors influencing the development of the UK seaweed industry. Bringing together a diverse range of stakeholders to identify opportunities for research, collaboration and innovation, this webinar includes voices from the SME, academic, investment and policy arenas.

How Biotechnology Can Help Deliver Net Zero Construction

26 April 2022

According to the UK Green Building Council, construction is responsible for 45% of total national CO2 emissions. In order to achieve Net Zero by 2045, the industry must explore multiple avenues to decarbonise the design, construction and operational phases of the built environment. Biotechnology, and the wider bioeconomy, offer an array of opportunities to develop sustainable bio-based materials and processes that can improve environmental performance, increase efficiency and even create value from waste. Furthermore, harnessing natural biological processes in both construction and day to day operations allows buildings to work in harmony with their environment and users.

Watch this webinar to learn about the ever expanding library of biomaterials and processes that will support the development of a more sustainable, low carbon construction industry. Hear first-hand about cutting edge research and manufacturing that will help deliver the built environment of the future.

Transforming local bio-based waste streams into circular textile and building materials

5 May 2022

This event considered a range of novel approaches for transforming local waste bioresources into textile and building materials. Hosted by the Bioeconomy Cluster Builder and Dr Miriam Ribul, the Materials Circularity research strand lead of the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Interdisciplinary Textiles Circularity Centre, this session brought together inspiring speakers and included focused breakout spaces to facilitate connection and discussion.

Approaches to Life Cycle Assessment in the Bioeconomy

24 February 2022

This webinar brought key stakeholders together to share their perspectives on the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) process – an important consideration for companies seeking to reduce their environmental impact. Hear first-hand from data science experts, bioeconomy consultants and members of the SME community as they share their insights and experiences of conducting LCA.

The Bioeconomy - An Investor’s Perspective

30 September 2021


This webinar delivered an insight into how investment companies search out, assess, select, and invest in the bioeconomy sector.

Funding Opportunities for SMEs in the Scottish Blue Economy and Bioeconomy

22 July 2021


The Bioeconomy Cluster Builder, Blue Economy Cluster Builder and OGTC presented this joint webinar to encourage synergies and increase cross sectoral awareness and visibility for Scottish SMEs.

Industrial Applications of Biomass and Processing By-products: Consortia Building and Innovation Funding – a preview!

Thursday, 24 June 2021


Following the great participation and feedback from our workshop on 27th May, we decided to capitalise on the momentum and level of activity in our community around the BEIS Biomass Strategy with this follow up webinar.

The workshop expanded on the common themes identified in each area of biomass utilisation:

  • issues around poor connectivity across the supply chain

  • difficulties building projects that bring together appropriate stakeholders including producers, academics, technology providers and customers

  • challenges associated with scaling up processes

In recognition of the importance placed on funding during the breakouts at our May workshop we also dedicated part of this webinar to some of the key streams you can tap into to help your projects progress.

Bioeconomy Cluster Builder: Industrial Applications of Biomass and Processing By-products

27 May 2021


It is increasingly important to develop new processes and value chains that use biomass to deliver sustainable alternatives to the goods, processes and energy that form part of our daily lives in order to progress towards net zero. 

The Bioeconomy Cluster Builder (BCB), in collaboration with the Scottish Natural Products Network (SNaPNet), delivered this workshop to bring together voices from business, academia and beyond to consider challenges and opportunities in three core aspects of this evolving bioeconomy landscape:

1.    Waste biomass and co-products:

Our linear, ‘take-make-dispose’ approach to production has historically viewed the by-products from our economic activity as a series of waste streams. A range of industries are increasingly seeking ways to improve their environmental and commercial performance by creating valuable new products from these materials. From primary producers through to process industries, there are opportunities for biotechnology to deliver solutions that can valorise co-products, turning them into things like bioplastics, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products, food supplements, animal feed and biofuels. 

2.    Non-food crops as sustainable feedstocks for high value chemical manufacturing:

The discovery of new pathways to create the high value chemicals we rely upon to support industries ranging from pharmaceuticals to textiles will be a key part of our transition away from petrochemical feedstocks. Non-food crops, both new and established, offer great potential as sustainable, bio-based alternatives to traditional feedstocks.

3.    Innovative fermentation applications: harnessing Scotland’s distilling and brewing heritage to develop new products from sustainable feedstocks:

Scotland has a long tradition of distilling and brewing. Novel applications of the biotechnology skills, knowledge and experience existing in this prominent sector offer the opportunity to develop a variety of bio-based materials, processes and energy from sustainable feedstocks.

To find out more, or to get involved, please contact

Dana Heldt at KTN

Kim Cameron at IBioIC

Innovation Canvas Webinar

13 May 2021


KTN’s Innovation Canvas is designed to help you identify the steps needed to make your idea come to life. By providing a powerful framework for assessing your project’s strengths and weaknesses, it can help you identify and prioritise your most urgent challenges and hurdles.

KTN, one of the delivery partners of the Bioeconomy Cluster Builder (BCB), launched a series of tailored Innovation Canvas events which began with this 1-hour webinar explaining how to make the most of the tool and providing you with all the information you need to get started.

To find out more, or to get involved, please contact Dana Heldt at KTN, or Kim Cameron at IBioIC


Engaging with Net Zero: how the bioeconomy could provide decarbonisation solutions for the offshore energy sector

26 January 2021

The Blue Economy Cluster Builder project will provide an inclusive and free-of-charge service to ensure that Scotland’s SMEs are positioned to gain the optimum share of market growth and compete with other international Blue Economies. The Blue Economy Cluster Builder will enable Scottish SMEs to take advantage of commercial, innovation and economic opportunities within the Blue Economy and boost innovation, both within Scotland, and internationally. 

Please get in touch to find out more, or to get involved.

Accelerating Net Zero Chemical Manufacturing: Waste polymers as a feedstock

24 November 2020

The Chemistry and Industrial Biotechnology Team at KTN launched a new webinar series that allows you to connect to different technologies, and explore the innovation opportunities to accelerate Net Zero chemical manufacturing in more detail. During this session, we focused on plastic waste which cannot be mechanically recycled, discussing how it can be used to produce refinery type products like aviation fuel. We were joined by: - Martin Atkins, CEO, Posiedon Plastics - John McGeehan , Director, Centre for Enzyme Innovation, University of Portsmouth - Alex Lord, Sylatech - Keith Whiston, Research Fellow, INVISTA Performance Technologies

Plastic waste which cannot be mechanically recycled can be used to produce refinery type products like aviation fuel. This and other opportunities for the use plastic waste will be explored in this session.

The KTN Chemistry and Industrial Biotechnology Team believe that given the current policy messages around Net Zero and the drive towards a more Circular Economy, there is a need to act now to develop new value chains for chemicals from alternative feedstocks so that we can lead in Net Zero chemical manufacturing.

Following our recent articles on low carbon infrastructure and alternative feedstocks (which also introduced our new Capability Map) we now invite you to join this webinar series which will allow you to connect to different technologies and explore the innovation opportunities to accelerate Net Zero chemical manufacturing in more detail.

Through this webinar series you will hear from in-sector and cross-sector experts who will share their knowledge and help our community stimulate ideas around how to build on our capabilities and leverage future opportunities. This series will culminate in an interactive brokerage event that will identify exciting, collaborative, market-led projects that will accelerate our Net Zero ambitions.

Accelerating Net Zero Chemical Manufacturing: Biomass to Chemicals

20 October 2020

The Chemistry and Industrial Biotechnology Team at KTN launched a new webinar series that allows you to connect to different technologies, and explore the innovation opportunities to accelerate Net Zero chemical manufacturing in more detail. During this session, we explored in more detail the use of biomass, and the related world-leading capabilities in academia and our RTO community. We were joined by: - Stephen Wallace - UKRI Future Leaders Fellow and Senior Lecturer in Biotechnology, The University of Edinburgh - Dr Ian Archer - Technical Director, IBioIC - James Hygate - Founder and CEO, Green Fuel - Dr Sarah Hickingbottom - BioVale, CEO To register for the remaining webinar sessions, visit

This event was part of KTN's Chemistry and Industrial Biotechnology team’s Accelerating Net Zero Chemical Manufacturing Webinar Series and explored the innovation opportunities to accelerate Net Zero Chemical manufacturing. For inquiries about the event and project please contact: - Knowledge Transfer Manager for Synthetic Biology, KTN - Senior Business Engagement Manager, IBioIC

Sustainable Materials for Packaging

24 September 2020

Bio-derived and bio-degradable materials can reduce the environmental impact of the packaging industry, but it is important for bioeconomy companies entering this space to understand the material requirements, as well as the full life cycle impact. During this webinar, delegates heard from a range of stakeholders about the opportunities for innovation and commercialisation of sustainable packaging materials, including information on upcoming funding from the Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging Challenge. For further information on the Bioeconomy Cluster Builder activities, visit

This Bioeconomy Cluster Builder webinar explored the opportunities in sustainable materials for packaging. The issues of plastic waste, recycling and reuse have come to the fore in recent years, with packaging users, retailers and brands looking to source alternative materials to help address them.  

Bio-derived and bio-degradable materials can reduce the environmental impact of the packaging industry, but it is important for bioeconomy companies entering this space to understand the material requirements, as well as the full life cycle impact.

Delegates heard from a range of stakeholders, including packaging users and a biomaterial SME, about the opportunities for innovation and commercialisation of sustainable packaging materials, including information on upcoming funding from the Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging Challenge.

For inquiries about the event and project please contact: - Knowledge Transfer Manager for Synthetic Biology, KTN - Senior Business Engagement Manager, IBioIC

Financing your project: Funding Vs Investment; understanding what is best for you

2 September 2020

This webinar focused on financing your project. It looked at the financing landscape in Scotland and the options available to companies.

For inquiries about the event and project please contact: - Knowledge Transfer Manager for Synthetic Biology, KTN - Senior Business Engagement Manager, IBioIC

BioEconomy Cluster Builder Launch event

23 July 2020

The Bioeconomy Cluster Builder launch event introduced an ambitious new project led by KTN and the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC), that will play a key role in driving Scotland’s green recovery and contribute to the delivery of the National Plan for Industrial Biotechnology. The three-year project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (EDRF) aims to increase the number of businesses involved in Industrial Biotechnology (IB) in Scotland by 100 and to leverage £8m funding by March 2023. The launch webinar was the first in a series of collaborative events, exploring the benefits and role of IB in growing Scotland’s bioeconomy. The key topics discussed the included funding and resources, and the applications of biotechnology and bio-based products. There were also partner matchmaking and networking opportunities for event attendees. Future events in the series will focus on a wide range of topics including the circular bioeconomy, integration of bioprocessing with Food & Drink industry, bioresources, chemistry, materials, agritech, AI and machine learning to enable efficient data evaluation. Visit to stay up to date with the latest biotech news.

The Bioeconomy Cluster Builder launch event introduced an ambitious new project led by IBioIC and KTN  to contribute to the delivery of the National Plan for Industrial Biotechnology in Scotland.

For inquiries about the event and project please contact: - Knowledge Transfer Manager for Synthetic Biology, KTN - Senior Business Engagement Manager, IBioIC