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Unpacking the Innovation Canvas – Tailored Innovation Support for Scottish SMEs

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Are you a Scottish SME with an exciting idea for a bio-based product, service or process, but need strategic guidance to bring it to market? KTN’s Innovation Canvas is designed to help you identify the steps needed to make your idea come to life. By providing a powerful framework for assessing your project’s strengths and weaknesses, it can help you identify and prioritise your most urgent challenges and hurdles.

KTN, one of the delivery partners of the Bioeconomy Cluster Builder (BCB), is launching a series of tailored Innovation Canvas events beginning with this 1-hour webinar explaining how to make the most of the tool and providing you with all the information you need to get started.

Over the coming months, the BCB, in collaboration with KTN, will deliver sector specific Innovation Canvas workshops targeted at Scottish SMEs that are either engaged, or seeking to engage with the bioeconomy.

These tailored sessions will form part of themed groups of BCB activities focussing on sectors which have been identified as having great potential for engaging with the bioeconomy including; food and drink, fashion and textiles, construction, forestry and aquaculture.

Furthermore, participating SMEs with projects which have been identified by KTN’s Industrial Biotechnology team as having the greatest potential will be invited to receive additional support on the Innovation Canvas. Keep an eye on the BCB website for details.

To find out more, or to get involved, please contact Dana Heldt at KTN, or Kim Cameron at IBioIC

Bioeconomy Cluster Builder

The Bioeconomy Cluster Builder is a three-year ERDF funded project seeking to grow the Scottish bioeconomy through networking activity and the development of new value chains. It seeks to introduce the benefits of industrial biotechnology to less familiar sectors. The project is a collaboration between the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC), the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) and Scottish Enterprise.

Registration and delegate information related to this event may be shared between these partners. Please see the BCB Privacy Policy for further information.