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Industrial Applications of Biomass: The Biorefinery Concept – creating high value product streams from biomass

As part of our Industrial Applications of Biomass series, this online event focuses on the biorefinery concept as a means to create maximum impact and value from biomass. It aims to demonstrate how biorefineries are essential for the future of UK biomass utilisation - key to the shift away from a fossil-based economy and the drive to net zero. 

This webinar will explore the opportunities biorefineries present along with some consideration of the current barriers to their development within the UK.

The session will also include dissemination of a recent biomass to chemicals report based on data collected in previous webinars in this series, as well as a review of the current UK biomass policy landscape. 


Outline agenda 

  • Biomass to Chemical report dissemination - Dr CJ Mort, Innovate UK KTN

  • Biorefinery Glas - James Gaffey, Co-Director – CircBio, Irelan

  • Policy update - Dr Joanna Sparks, Biomass Policy Fellow - SuperGen Hub

  • Biorenewables Development Centre – Dr Joe Bennett, Lead Scientist, Bioscience Innovation Team

  • Sustainable Aviation Fuel - Dr Michelle Carter, Head of Transport Innovate UK KTN


Who this event is for

  • Anyone involved or interested in biorefinery and biomass utilisation

  • SMEs, large industry and businesses, processors and commercial users 

  • Investors

  • Policy makers 

  • Researchers 


Why attend

  • To learn more about the current status of UK biorefinery capacity 

  • To make connections with other stakeholders

  • To identify collaboration opportunities 

If you’d like more information about this event, or the Bioeconomy Cluster Builder, please contact, or


The Bioeconomy Cluster Builder (BCB) is a three-year collaboration between the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC), Innovate UK KTN and Scottish Enterprise. The project aims to grow the Scottish bioeconomy by raising awareness of the applications and benefits of biotechnology and by supporting the development of new value chains and markets for bio-based products. Using the extensive networks and knowledge of the three partner organisations, we connect the right people and resources to deliver innovation support and signposting to funding opportunities. To find out more about the project and our planned activities, or to get involved, please visit our website here


Privacy Notice

The BCB is an ERDF funded project. Information you provide as part of the registration process for this event may be shared between the partner organisations and our funder. You can find full details of the BCB privacy policy HERE.